Publisher: New Dimensions 8, edited by Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, Publishers
Published: 1978
Robert Silverberg has said that this “quiet, sinister story…may be the most shattering portrait of the near future since Fritz Leiber’s `Coming Attraction’ more than a quarter of a century ago.” This is one of the author’s major works of short fiction, and was a Nebula Award finalist for Best Short Story in 1978.
“A Quiet Revolution for Death,” in New Dimensions Science Fiction Number 8, edited by Robert Silverberg. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978, cloth, p. 3-11.
b. The Best of New Dimensions, edited by Robert Silverberg. New York: Pocket Books, 1979, paper, p. 275-285.
c. Timetipping, by Jack Dann. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1980, cloth, p. 36-43.
as: “Eine Stille Revolution für den Tod,” in Das Zeit-Tippen, by Jack Dann. Salzburg: Artur Moewig Verlag, 1985, paper, p. 41-50. [German]
d. as: “Ausflug zum Fröhlichen Tod,” in Andromeda 7-8 (1980): . [German]
e. Jubilee. Melbourne, Australia: HarperCollins Publishers, April, 2001, trade paper, p…